Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Prime Minister's Visit

I think that I completely forgot to mention this but a few weeks ago I went and ate dinner with the guys from my class and watched one of the World Cup games. (I think it was when Holland beat Brazil). Anyways, we went back to the university around 7 and there was an unbelievable number of soldiers and police officers there. And I mean crazy amounts. It was the night of NDU's graduation ceremony. Come to find out the graduation speaker was the Prime Minister. So, then it made sense why there was so much security. Soldiers with assault rifles and police in fatigues and secret services guys in suits, metal detectors, the whole deal. So we went to go back to our rooms but a soldier told us to go another way. This other way led directly to the graduation. And when we went to walk back around to our rooms, a secret service guy said, "In one hour you can go that way". So... we watched the graduation ceremony. Which, like all graduation ceremonies, was a barrel of laughs. But picture sitting through one where you only understand a few words like, "This university is... (translation unavailable)." Or "In Lebanon... (file not found)." Anyways, I can say that I saw the Lebanese Prime Minister in person, and I can only assume that his speech was rousing. But finally after about an hour, we could go back to our rooms, and just have to be content imagining how great the rest of the ceremony was.

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